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HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0


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====== Oracle PL/SQL Compatibility ====== HPL/SQL compatibility with Oracle PL/SQL and SQL. ===== Language Elements ===== Oracle PL/SQL language elementes supported by HPL/SQL: | TRUE and FALSE | Boolean literals | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | %%--%% comment | Single line comment | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | /* comment */ | Multi line comment | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | NOT NULL | Variable constraint | Parser only {{:exclamation.png}} | 0.3.13 | | CONSTANT | Constant variable | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | := or DEFAULT | Default clause | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | [[type-attribute|%TYPE]] | Data type attribute | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | ===== Data Types and Declarations ===== Oracle PL/SQL data types supported by HPL/SQL: | BIGINT | 64-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | BINARY_DOUBLE | Double precision floating-point number | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | BINARY_FLOAT | Single precision floating-point number | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | BINARY_INTGER | 32-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | BOOLEAN | True or false | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | CHAR(//n//) | Fixed-length string | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | CHARACTER(//n//)| Fixed-length string | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | DECIMAL(//p,s//) | Fixed-point number | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | DATE | Date (year, month, day and time) | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | INT | 32-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | INTEGER | 32-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | NCHAR(//n//) | Fixed-length string | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | NVARCHAR(//n//) | Variable-length string | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | NUMBER(//p,s//) | Fixed-point number | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | PLS_INTGER | 32-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | SIMPLE_DOUBLE | Double precision floating-point number | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | SIMPLE_FLOAT | Single precision floating-point number | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | SIMPLE_INTGER | 32-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | SMALLINT | 16-bit integer | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | SYS_REFCURSOR | Cursor variable | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.11 | | TIMESTAMP | Date and time | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.7 | | VARCHAR(//n//) | Variable-length string | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | VARCHAR2(//n//) | Variable-length string | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE | File handle | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | ===== Operators and Expressions ===== Oracle PL/SQL operators and expressions supported by HPL/SQL: | [[twopipes||| Operaror]] | String concatenation | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | ===== Statements ===== Oracle PL/SQL statements supported by HPL/SQL: | [[assign|:=]] | Assignment statement | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 | | [[null|NULL]] | No operation | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.3.13 | | [[select-into|SELECT INTO]] | Assign values from query | {{:green_tick.gif}} | 0.1 |