HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0
HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0
You can declare variables using DECLARE block or statement.
Note that you can mix both syntaxes in a single program. DECLARE blocks and statements can appear in any part of the program.
DECLARE block has the following syntax:
DECLARE var datatype [NOT NULL] [:= | = | DEFAULT expression]; ... BEGIN ... END;
HPL/SQL also allows you to define a constant:
var CONSTANT datatype := | DEFAULT expression
DECLARE code CHAR(10); status INT := 1; count SMALLINT = 0; limit INT DEFAULT 100; max_limit CONSTANT INT := 1000; BEGIN ... END;
Compatibility: Declaration block syntax is similar to Oracle PL/SQL, PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL and Netezza NZPLSQL.
DECLARE statement has the following syntax:
DECLARE var [, var2, ...] [AS] datatype [:= | = | DEFAULT expression] [, ...];
DECLARE code CHAR(10); DECLARE status, status2 INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE count SMALLINT, limit INT DEFAULT 100;
Compatibility: Declaration statement syntax is similar to IBM DB2 SQL PL, Teradata, Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL and MySQL.