HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0
HPL/SQL is included to Apache Hive since version 2.0
ACTIVITY_COUNT built-in variable contains the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement.
Important Note: Currently Hive does not support JDBC Statement.getUpdateCount(), so for INSERT statements ACTIVITY_COUNT will return 0 for Hive 0.13 and earlier and -1 for Hive 0.14 and later. See HIVE-7680 for more details.
Currently you can use ACTIVITY_COUNT only with SELECT statements in Hive. If SELECT INTO returns a row ACTIVITY_COUNT is set to 1. Also if you use a cursor each FETCH statement increments ACTIVITY_COUNT by 1.
DECLARE var INT; SELECT id INTO var FROM default.dual; IF ACTIVITY_COUNT = 1 THEN PRINT 'id = ' || var; END IF;
Compatibility: Teradata
Version: PL/HQL 0.3.1
See also: