CMP Statement

CMP statement helps you compare data in tables that can be located in the same or different databases.


Compare the total number of rows:

CMP ROW_COUNT table1 [where_clause1] | (select_stmt1) [AT conn1], 
              table2 [where_clause2] | (select_stmt2) [AT conn2]

Compare the column summary (COUNT, SUM, MIN and MAX applied to columns):

CMP SUM table1 [where_clause1] [AT conn1], table2 [where_clause2] [AT conn2]


Example 1:

Compare the number of rows:

CMP ROW_COUNT sales.users WHERE local_dt = CURRENT_DATE, users_daily AT mysqlconn;  

Example 2:

Compare aggregate data in two tables:

CMP SUM sales.users WHERE local_dt = CURRENT_DATE, users_daily AT mysqlconn;  

Compatibility: HPL/SQL Extension

Version: HPL/SQL 0.3.13