====== Cursor Attributes ====== Cursor attributes allow you to get information about the current cursor state. **Syntax**: cursor_name%ISOPEN cursor_name%FOUND cursor_name%NOTFOUND * //cursor_name// is the name of a declared cursor or cursor variable. ===== %ISOPEN Attribute ===== %ISOPEN returns //true// if the cursor is open, otherwise it returns //false//; ===== %FOUND Attribute ===== %FOUND returns NULL before the first fetch from the cursor, //true// if the last fetch returned a row, and //false// otherwise. ===== %NOTFOUND Attribute ===== %NOTFOUND returns NULL before the first fetch from the cursor, //false// if the last fetch returned a row, and //true// otherwise. **Example:** DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS SELECT name FROM users LIMIT 1; v1 VARCHAR(30); BEGIN OPEN c1; IF c1%ISOPEN THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Cursor open'); END IF; FETCH c1 INTO v1; IF c1%FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Row found'); END IF; FETCH c1 INTO v1; IF c1%NOTFOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Row not found'); END IF; CLOSE c1; END; **Compatibility:** Oracle **Version:** HPL/SQL 0.3.11 **See also:** * [[open|OPEN]] * [[fetch|FETCH]] * [[close|CLOSE]]